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This giveaway will feature products for mommies to relax and feel pretty 🙂 This event will be open to 20 bloggers.

Current Sponsors and Prizes Include:

Pink Pedicure Set – Retail Value $6

Nerves Be Gone Relaxation Set – Retail Value $25

Barefoot Sandals – $18

Sea Glass Earrings – $2

Lavender Bath Salt Soak – Retail Value $12

Pomegranate Beauty Set with Free Roses – Retail Value $16

Spa Crystal Bath Salts – Retail Value $7

Natural Certified Organic Herbal Aromatherapy Relaxation Gift – Retail Value $38


More Sponsors Added Daily

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Blog Challenge Day 3

What is the greatest amount of physical pain you’ve ever endured?

Well late this August, two months after giving birth to my twin baby girls, I had started having little stomach aches here and there. I chalked it up to cramping since after the birth of my first child I experience a lot of…

Words of Wisdom? Maybe.

I’ve always wanted to tell you that “you should knock that fucking wall down and be all you can be!” 

So today I was sitting talking to my mom and asked her was there anything in life that she had always wanted to tell me because life is just to short to hold things…

A Mother’s journey: Interview with my own mother

Today I spent the day practically “interviewing” my mother. I was curious to know her thoughts on life, on parenting and well, on being a mother. In the middle of the conversation, I asked if she would mind if I interviewed her for my blog. It’s always interesting to see the…

Splitting Christmas

The holidays bring out the best in most people, unless you’re a scrooge which in that case is fine too. The holidays also present us with tons of stress, anxiety, irritability, and bugetitise (fear of overextending your budget.) Not only do you have all the already irrational fears of the holiday’s (will they like their presents, did I forget to purchase something, ect) but then to add on to those fears you have to make the decision of where to spend your holiday’s. Do we go see his side of the family? Do we go see mine? Should we just stay home? This situation is a challenge many people are forced to overcome each year, especially new parents. It’s already difficult enough deciding where to go, what to do, who to see, and what to buy! To add on to that stress you have to decide what traditions will be carried on and which will be forgotten. Decisions, decisions, decisions! They’re enough to make even the Grinch have a heart attack and  yet we put ourselves through it every single year! In my household, I would like to start our own traditions; just me, my s/o, and our kids. Joe (my s/o), on the other hand would like to split the holidays between families. I’m nearly positive he doesn’t realize that this means that we have to share ourselves with our families for precisely the same amount of time in order to avoid any complaints on how one family got more time with our babies than the other, and so forth. New babies are a magnet to extended family, ready to snuggle, cuddle and play. Their expectations are that they will be allowed all the time in the world with your new addition. We still haven’t quite figured out how we’re going to spend this holiday season, if we’ll split it or start our very own traditions.

How do you split the holidays? Have you ever gotten grief about your holiday decisions?

Blog Challenge, Day 2

Day 2: Describe 3 legitimate fears and how they became fears.

1.) Failure

I’m not sure when it became my fear to fail, maybe somewhere in high school between tenth and eleventh grade when I first started realizing that I had bullshitted my way through high school and if I didn’t get my act together I would not be graduating. The reason I fear failure however, is because I don’t want society to view me as a failure; a silly reason because society will view me however it pleases and may still view me as a failure even if I become very successful. The biggest reason I am afraid of failure is because I don’t ever want my children to have to look at me and see that I did not do what I set out to. How can I look my daughters in their eyes and tell them “You can achieve anything!” yet I have not achieved my own goals?

2.) The unknown

Most people would say that they fear, the dark perhaps. The fear, in reality, is not the dark; The fear is not knowing what is in the dark with them. The unknown literally sends me into anxiety attacks and hyperventilation. I am a planner! I absolutely hate when things do not go according to plan because at that point I no longer know what to expect. The unknown is full of so many different things that could harm me (emotionally, physically, mentally.) I’m just not a huge fan of the unknown

3.) Disappointment

Some might view this as an odd fear, irrational even. I fear being disappointed because I’ve to often experienced in my short 22 years of life. I think the exact moment that disappointment because one of my fears is when I realized that every single time my biological father or biological maternal grandfather would promise me  something, I would never get what they promised; regardless if it was just spending time with them or them coming to visit me, the promise was always broken. I am twenty two years old and to this day my grandfather has yet to come visit me.

A non-Thanksgiving Holiday

This year, I’m just not feeling the whole “Thanksgiving” thing. Don’t get me wrong, the idea of the holiday itself is cool, I know I’ll probably receive a lot of criticism for saying the idea is cool. Let me explain, I feel that we should be thankful and recognize the blessings we receive more than just ONE day out the entire year. I’ve never really been a big fan of Thanksgiving simply because I feel like its a holiday for stuffing your face. People have all but erased the original purpose of Thanksgiving, by replacing the thankfulness with football and food.

This year for Thanksgiving nearly everyone in my family has to work. With that being said we will be having a small thanksgiving “dinner” in the early afternoon before everyone has to go to work, and then I’ll be spending the rest of the day with my three kids, niece, and older brother. The moment I get home and get the girls in bed, I plan to begin decorating for Christmas. I am more than excited for Christmas this year, having kids is more exciting than being a kid on Christmas in my opinion. I can’t wait to see the look on Jadae’s face when she gets to open her presents this year. Next year will be even better since all the girls will be old enough to open their own presents.

Blog Challenge Day 1: Uncovering Me

Today is day 1 of the blog challenge! Yes it’s true, I must be just a little conceited since I am more than willing to do a blog challenge where I talk about myself for 30 days; nothings wrong with just a little conceitedness right? Well even if there is something wrong with it, there’s nothing wrong with a little self-discovery so we’ll just call it that! I’m not gonna lie, I’m just a little hesitant to even begin this challenge for two reasons: Having young kids makes it hard to get things done and with me being the type of person that just needs to finish what I start, I will need to be prepared to deal with the sleep deprivation that will come with this challenge; Reason number two, do I really want to know that much about myself, will I like what I find out about myself or will it change who I am entirely?

I post often so my hopes are to actually get this done in thirty days, but with this being the time of year to spend quality time with the one’s we love it may throw a curve ball in my plans.

And here we go with Day 1: List 10 random facts about yourself

1.) I am my parents only daughter which automatically deems me princess and entitles me to be spoiled rotten!

2.) When I was little my brothers were making fun of me so I wrote a runaway note explaining to them how bad they hurt my feelings and told them I was running away back to Denver. I got about a block and a half away from our house then ran back home and hid in the back yard for hours. When I finally went inside they just laughed at me!

3.) I’ve been homeless

4.) I battle Depression Disorder

5.) I have very few female friends, the majority of my friends are guys but I always wished I had a best friend that was a girl so we could have a friendship like the one’s on TV where we would do pretty much everything together!

6.) It’s extremely hard for me to forget something you’ve done once you hurt me.

7.) I am so much stronger than I appear to be.

8.) I could literally eat rice everyday!

9.) I’m emotional

10.) My life is like a twisted fairy tale.